04/12 - 08/12 Another week of conservation work is over - the last of 5 weeks. A short summary of what we die this week in Wellington: we filled loooads of mulch into bags which we carried uphill, we did plant releasing and track maintaining in a Bird Sanctuary, more plant releasing, as-well as some work in Zealandia (see last post) and nursery work. To be honest, I am kind of glad that my time in the project is over because I discovered that construction work and gardening is not really one of my passions. Though, I finish this project and leave New Zealand with a smiling face. Just like all the other countries I've been to, New Zealand changed me and my mind. I learned so much, not just about native plants and animals, but about kindness, generosity and how everything seems to be connected in a deep love for our nature. In many ways, I hold a different stance about who I want to be as a person and how I want to live my life. Looking back, what fascinated me...